The Velies - The Echo
The Velies \ thə vēlēz\ is an Indie Rock band based in the Quad Cities, USA featuring Mo Carter, Tom Swanson, Marty Reyhons, and Alex Axup. The band writes, records, and performs introspective original music. They rely on the organic-meets-electric sound of acoustic and electric guitars, bass, ukulele, keyboards, and drums as the aural bed for rustic vocals. Carter and Swanson typically share lead vocal duties while all members lend supporting roles in that department, often exchanging and intertwining parts.
The Velies create bittersweet songs with lonesome undertones that can both meander and maintain a sense of urgency, whether wrapped in a shiny, upbeat pop facade, a dirge-like interloper, or a bombastic, gritty rock & roll headbanger.

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