ATG Duke - The Echo

ATG Duke

Welcome to the Grind Addictz, 
 First and Foremost I would like to thank all the followers and supporters that have decided to push and join the Addicted To Grinding Familia, much much gratitude and appreciation🙏🏾 
 A little about the CEO🗣 
 ATG Duke, hailing from Davenport Iowa, never had aspirations like other artists of becoming a rapper. At first, it was just something to prove to himself that he could do it and create music better than was being played and streamed. . . 
 And that’s what separated Duke from the pack—never spit a bar, verse, freestyle, nothing—just jumped headfirst! It’s been 5 years for Duke of pure passion for music.   Feel the impact of his music as soon as his voice hits that instrumental, with his unique way of switching up his delivery and cadence, as well as hard hittin heartfelt melodies You will feel the pain, the passion, the sure will to beat the odds, and strive for greatness! 
 🗣 Addicted To the Grind Stay Humble, Keep Grinding You Don’t Grind, You Don’t Eat 🐺

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