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Georgette Jones – Country Vibes Series
April 26 @ 7:00 pm
Georgette Jones will perform on Friday, April 26 at 7 PM as a part of our Country Vibes Series! The daughter of George Jones and Tammy Wynette has five albums under her belt, as well as an appearance on her father’s last album with the duet “You and Me and Time”. Additionally, she has written the acclaimed biography “The Three of Us: Growing Up with Tammy and George,†and has made several appearances on TV including Sordid Lives.You must be 21+ to attend this show as the Rhythm Room is located on our Casino Floor.ð˜—ð˜ð˜¦ð˜¢ð˜´ð˜¦ ð˜¯ð˜°ð˜µð˜¦, ð˜¸ð˜©ð˜¦ð˜¯ ð˜±ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜¤ð˜©ð˜¢ð˜´ð˜ªð˜¯ð˜¨ ð˜µð˜ªð˜¤ð˜¬ð˜¦ð˜µð˜´ ð˜µð˜° ð˜°ð˜¶ð˜³ ð˜¦ð˜·ð˜¦ð˜¯ð˜µð˜´, ð˜¸ð˜¦ ð˜¥ð˜° ð˜¯ð˜°ð˜µ ð˜³ð˜¦ð˜¤ð˜°ð˜®ð˜®ð˜¦ð˜¯ð˜¥ ð˜¶ð˜´ð˜ªð˜¯ð˜¨ 𘢠ð˜µð˜©ð˜ªð˜³ð˜¥ ð˜±ð˜¢ð˜³ð˜µð˜º ð˜³ð˜¦ð˜´ð˜¢ð˜ð˜¦ ð˜´ð˜ªð˜µð˜¦. ð˜‰ð˜¦ ð˜´ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜¦ ð˜µð˜° ð˜±ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜¤ð˜©ð˜¢ð˜´ð˜¦ ð˜¥ð˜ªð˜³ð˜¦ð˜¤ð˜µð˜ð˜º ð˜§ð˜³ð˜°ð˜® ð˜°ð˜¶ð˜³ ð˜¸ð˜¦ð˜£ð˜´ð˜ªð˜µð˜¦ ð˜°ð˜³ ð˜±ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜¤ð˜©ð˜¢ð˜´ð˜¦ ð˜ªð˜¯ ð˜±ð˜¦ð˜³ð˜´ð˜°ð˜¯ ð˜¢ð˜µ ð˜›ð˜©ð˜¦ ð˜”ð˜¢ð˜³ð˜¬ð˜¦ð˜µ. See less