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George Thorogood & The Destroyers
April 20, 2024 @ 8:00 pm
Please note, $5 of every ticket sold will be go to the “Marla Thorogood Memorial Fund for Ovarian Cancer Researchâ€.By reverently reinventing obscure blues, country and RB tracks by icons that include Bo Diddley, John Lee Hooker and Hank Williams – via now-classic hits like ‘Who Do You Love?’, ‘Boogie Chillun’ and ‘Move It On Over’ – George Thorogood and The Destroyers have kept the music of these American Masters alive for the MTV Generation and beyond. And with his own smash originals such as ‘I Drink Alone’, ‘Gear Jammer’, and the ultimate badass anthem ‘Bad To The Bone’, Thorogood and the band have forged a one-of-a-kind career built on humor, fervor and six-string swagger delivered with equal parts fire and fun.ð˜—ð˜ð˜¦ð˜¢ð˜´ð˜¦ ð˜¯ð˜°ð˜µð˜¦, ð˜¸ð˜©ð˜¦ð˜¯ ð˜±ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜¤ð˜©ð˜¢ð˜´ð˜ªð˜¯ð˜¨ ð˜µð˜ªð˜¤ð˜¬ð˜¦ð˜µð˜´ ð˜µð˜° ð˜°ð˜¶ð˜³ ð˜¦ð˜·ð˜¦ð˜¯ð˜µð˜´, ð˜¸ð˜¦ ð˜¥ð˜° ð˜¯ð˜°ð˜µ ð˜³ð˜¦ð˜¤ð˜°ð˜®ð˜®ð˜¦ð˜¯ð˜¥ ð˜¶ð˜´ð˜ªð˜¯ð˜¨ 𘢠ð˜µð˜©ð˜ªð˜³ð˜¥ ð˜±ð˜¢ð˜³ð˜µð˜º ð˜³ð˜¦ð˜´ð˜¢ð˜ð˜¦ ð˜´ð˜ªð˜µð˜¦. ð˜‰ð˜¦ ð˜´ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜¦ ð˜µð˜° ð˜±ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜¤ð˜©ð˜¢ð˜´ð˜¦ ð˜¥ð˜ªð˜³ð˜¦ð˜¤ð˜µð˜ð˜º ð˜§ð˜³ð˜°ð˜® ð˜°ð˜¶ð˜³ ð˜¸ð˜¦ð˜£ð˜´ð˜ªð˜µð˜¦ ð˜°ð˜³ ð˜±ð˜¶ð˜³ð˜¤ð˜©ð˜¢ð˜´ð˜¦ ð˜ªð˜¯ ð˜±ð˜¦ð˜³ð˜´ð˜°ð˜¯ ð˜¢ð˜µ ð˜›ð˜©ð˜¦ ð˜”ð˜¢ð˜³ð˜¬ð˜¦ð˜µ.Tickets start at $50 plus applicable fees. This fee is waived when tickets are purchased at The Market Gift Shop inside Rhythm City Casino Resort. See less