Interview Archives Page 5 of 5 - The Echo
A Sit Down with Kyle Peters of the Rust Belt

A Sit Down with Kyle Peters of the Rust Belt

Echo: How did you get started promoting shows in the Quad Cities?  Kyle Peters: Well I started out with outdoor festivals in 2005 down in the District of Rock Island. I started out with an event called Rock the District where we just did a rock band with a four-band...
A Sit Down with Benjamin Fawks of Rozz-Tox

A Sit Down with Benjamin Fawks of Rozz-Tox

Echo: How did you get started promoting shows? Benjamin: I was living in South China, this was 2006, when I started getting into booking and running a venue. I was doing that for around three years there when certain circumstances lead me to come back here. to my home...

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